Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thank You

Thank you to those of you who prayed for me a week ago for my prom stress.  Things went great and my anxiety really did go away.  And to the people I came in contact with that week, thank you for your encouraging words.  :)
Last weekend we celebrated our 1 year house anniversary.  I can't believe we have been here a year already!
That's it. I still have house posts to do, but this is all I have tonight. :)
Have a happy week!

Side note: Cory & I are watching American Funniest Videos and it's making me mad.  Babies(or anyone for that matter) puking/spitting up is not funny on any level.  Why do they show that and, more importantly, why do people send that in?  I wish they would put a warning before they showed those videos...sorry for the rant.

ANOTHER side note that I just saw: Florence, AL made the The Huffington Post "Top 11 American Small Towns".  Check it out here

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