Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kinda Creepy

So for some strange reason the memory of Troll dolls popped into my head tonight. The thought of them made me giggle because they look incredibly creepy. I was scared of A LOT of stupid, petty things when I was young and Troll dolls didn't freak me out (as they probably should have). The reason these ugly dolls didn't scare me was because I thought they were "lucky" and that if you had one with a little jewel on its tummy then your wishes would come true. If, of course, you rubbed the jewel. I remember staring at the jeweled-tummy ones at the store and really wanting one. I guess in hind sight I should have just rubbed it and made a wish for one. :) Oh well, too bad those little guys don't work because I have plenty of wishes I would like granted now. One being that the yearbook I'm in charge of would be complete and sent off to the publisher so I won't be thinking of silly, naked childhood dolls.
Thanks for stopping by and sorry for the randomness.
Just look at that matted hair.
Oh, something funny that happened when I Google searched for Trolls was that multiple images & web sites came up comparing Troll Dolls to Michelle Tanner (from Full House). If you know me well, and my dislike for Michelle Tanner (not the Olsen twins...I like them) you will realize how much more that made me giggle. I understand that little Michelle Tanner WAS the Olsen twins...it just makes me laugh.

OH and a shout to my pal Lindsay who just got engaged! It's on facebook now so it's official :) I'm so happy for her and her man. The news truly made my night.

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