Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hooray for Cory!

Well, he did it! Cory graduated from law school last night. I'm beyond proud of him and all of his hard work and determination for the past 3 years. So much has happened in 3 years, some great things and some devastating. I'm going to focus on the good though. Cory received a scholarship to the U of A, I miraculously got a job in Tuscaloosa as soon as Cory got accepted to law school, we got married, we got to live in a new city (to us) as a newly wed couple, we made some fabulous friends here (that I will truly miss), we found a great Sunday school class and church, Cory was blessed to have internships in the Shoals for 2 summers so we got to see our families everyday, we have welcomed a sweet niece to our family, we've taken some nice trips, I received tenure, and so much more. We are truly blessed and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us!
Here's just a few photos from last night.

Next weekend our brother-in-law, Benjamin is graduating from Cumberland School of Law and I'm super proud of him too! He managed to go through law school and become a great new dad. I'm glad I'm going to have some lawyers in the fam in case I get into some trouble...jk. ;)
I hope everyone has a fantastic week.

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