Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yogurt Mountain in My Kitchen

Last night Cory & I celebrated our friend, Amy's birthday. We had a great night on the town with Amy and her husband, Shaw. We had a yummy dinner at a nice Thai restaurant in town and thought about going for ice cream afterwards. As we were driving to Yogurt Mountain (remember how great it is?) we began talking about how pricey it can get (if you're like me and get carried away with the toppings) and how that I had a lot of the good toppings at my house anyway. Since we spent a little more on dinner than usual we decided to go to the store and get some cheap-o vanilla ice cream, a few candy bars, and of course, cherries and have our own "Yogurt Mountain" experience at our place for a smaller price.
Amy & I got really excited picking out candy and getting our toppings ready. Here we are getting ready for our treat! And, no, Amy did not wear a crown all night. I made her put this on. :)
Here's a close up of our toppings. I'm covering up our Oreos & cherries. We had Butterfinger, Snickers, Reese Cups, M & M's, sprinkles, of course, caramel, and chocolate syrup. Later I realized I had some pecans....oh well, it was delicious anyways.
Now, don't get me wrong on this post. I'm not banning Yogurt Mountain or any other ice cream place. So if you ever want to go, I'll be more than happy to join you. This was just a fun thing to do on a low budget and it was fun to get to pick out candy at the store. I know this is not a novel idea but I just wanted to throw it out there if you love ice cream and are having people over and don't want to have worry about baking a treat.

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