Saturday, August 1, 2009


For some reason or another I really like cameo jewelry and silhouette pictures.

Here are some silhouette photos I found on the Internet a long time ago. They intrigued me.

After looking at these pictures (along with some more I had saved) I decided to make silhouette pictures of Cory and me. It's really simple.

All you need is some pretty scrapbook paper (or plain paper if ya want), a profile picture of the person you want to use, and black paint*, & a paintbrush*.
*Instead of paint you can use black construction paper.

For my profile picture I just took a picture with my digital camera and uploaded it to my computer. After playing around with the size that I wanted I printed it out on some copy paper.

After you have your profile picture then you need to trace it onto the scrapbook paper. (* or black construction paper if you're using it instead of paint. Then you would just cut it out)

After you trace your photo paint inside the lines.

Then you are done! Here are our silhouettes.

Here's the whole wall to get the full effect :)

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